Foot fungus can be treated more

Almost everyone at least once in his life, I've wondered: what kind of foot fungus treatment? Because there are many people who are subjected to fungal diseases. Symptoms the fungus on the foot usually between the toes and the base space of the affected area. Over time, the infection passes your nails from becoming yellow, brittle and wrinkled. A lot of action as drugs antifungal cream, spray and varnish containing effective treatment components. Quickly get rid of this disease allows treatment to begin early.

foot fungus

What are the symptoms of fungus foot and nail?

Fungi, bacteria, the most common cause is infection, foot and hand. For the disease the fungus is regarded as the common, exposed to 20% of the world's population. Most prominent among the risk factors, such as the development changes include: advanced age, chronic diseases or as a result of weakening immunity, immunosuppressive drugs, diabetes, injuries to the foot and toes, often in the region, and lack of hygiene.

Why Foot tinea Trichophyton dermatophytes are the most common species, less yeast, fungi, bacteria. Typical symptoms of nail fungus:

  • itchy skin;
  • combustion;
  • redness;
  • peeling;
  • abnormality skin;
  • Cracking of skin on the feet, especially the feet;
  • dull, yellow nails.

First foot fungus symptoms most frequently appear, the skin becomes smooth legs, the areas between the fingers, usually the intimate, warm, humid environment. Spreading fungal infection and other skin blemishes, foot, nails and then left the edges which then covers the whole nail plate.

Accordingly, in many cases, will provide immediate treatment to prevent serious consequences in the early stages of the disease, foot and nail to prevent long and heavy as a result, treatment of advanced stage the fungus pedis and onychomycosis.

Stop nail fungus and treatment

Stop and nail fungus treatment — this is usually a long process. The easiest way, of course, the mushroom treatment early in development. So it is important to carefully watch the resulting changes on the skin foot.

In the first stage, using only probably the evolution of the disease treatment fungal drugs for local use.

fungus treatment

When you are prompted any changes in the area of foot or shoe soles with the application of a treatment for antifungals.

In this case, the antifungal effects when it comes to help with various drugs, including medicines to treat pharmacies available without a prescription. You can choose drugs for the treatment in the form of spray, cream, or a colorless nail Polish.

In addition, the antifungal action and antibacterial protection. Foot foot fungus remedies that contains herbal components to reduce sweating and prevents bad smell. In contrast, the nail plate provides the necessary maintenance antifungal nail Polish, vitamins, structural reinforcement, quotes, encouragement, and his recovery.

Foot and nail foot fungus medicine

The effects of drugs antifungal composition includes:

  1. Antibiotics.
  2. Vegetable oils: tea tree, eucalyptus, thyme extract, antibacterial and soothing effect.
  3. Vitamins: vitamin C, vitamin E, Vitamin B5, effective to affect the condition of nails, reinforced, construction, and damage resistance.

In this case, the employee during the development phase, the fungus, foot and nail, you may need to decompression therapy and oral medications. The decision on the application, gets this kind of treatment, after examination, the doctor examine the patient and a history of the disease.

Homemade fungus treatments, foot and nail

If you suspect the presence of the fungus, foot and nail that you can start self-treatment at home with a yeast infection way. Such a therapeutic tool you can use existing households.

Soaking feet in a solution of vinegar and water (1:1 ratio) provides the normal pH of the skin and bacteria and fungus provides protection. It is desirable procedure a couple of times a day it should last at least 10 ten minutes or more. Wipe the basin with a clean towel after removing foot.

Tropical or oral bacteriostatic effect useful to apply the garlic contains volatile. Use positive action to ensure regular oral and friction have been replaced and landscape the area of the skin or nail.

An effective tool against nail fungus — infusion of rosemary, hop cones, aloe. Pour boiling water into the vegetable mixture and leave to infuse for later use soaking a few dozen minutes on foot.

In this case, extensive skin lesions, must foot and nail doctor-dermatologist.

How to avoid fungus, foot and nail?

Disease long foot and nail fungus-nature, process, are difficult to treat. What most people don't realize daily, the wrong habits significantly increases the risk of infection. Stop nail fungus prevention-and — this, above all, Harmony of a few important rules of hygiene.

mold prevention

The shoes of the president of the assembly that should be avoided borrowing and purchase of second-hand shoes, shoes development is a great place for fungi, bacteria. People, pain, athlete's foot and nail, bacteria can easily pass the time in numerous sports shoes, a new temporary even though the owner of Coloring. This directly tract infection develop.

Prophylactic spray is recommended for application to a leg. Such as a working tool, not just antiperspirants, also has antibacterial properties. Daily use foot deodorant, reduces the risk of a fungal infection. Another way to reduce sweating — gel foot, a deodorant valid.

Suggested use liners, shoes, clothing cotton socks — the foot creates a favorable environment to reduce sweating and fungus to develop. Socks, cotton, good absorb moisture, keeping this in mind, in case of severe sweating, feet, and must, change a few times a day to clean them up. Socks containing silver ions with current sales and antifungal effects, also have anti-bacterial properties.

Selected that should be handy, lightweight and suitable boots — shoe trauma the cause of a very small skin, feet and nails are an easy "prey" for a yeast infection.

It is recommended to use special toiletries, towels, washcloths, sponges, on all these issues because fungal spores may remain. In the towel, washable water at a maximum temperature necessary for the patient.

You should always use the shale or slippers in the pool, under the shower or sauna, in contact with the foot on the ground because that can be a source of fungal infection.

Hotel rooms, hostels, tan, leather foot on a carpet floor or even a threat of the boat dry.

Regular trimming nails, long nails prevent disease and under active breed such as a bacteria, fungus,.

In a way, all these simple suggestions to protect ourselves as much as possible fungal diseases. You must be healthy.